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Spring Storm
The storm clouds gather in the west
The thunder rolls and  rumbles.
A sudden gust of wind picks up
Dry leaves that toss and  tumble.
Then all is still, the world awaits.
A raindrop falls and  splashes,
A bird darts swiftly through the trees
As to shelter it now  dashes.
The lightning flashes 'cross the sky.
Another roar of  thunder-
It seems to shake the very earth
And tear its peace  asunder.
The rain is falling faster now,
It forms a misty curtain.
And  then the sun peeks out again,
At first it seems uncertain.
The storm rolls off toward the east,
The thunder now is  distant.
A bird alights upon a limb,
His chirping sounds  insistant,
That the world stands refreshed
By sudden wind and rain,
For  now the sun is shining
And all is right again.
copyright 1994

[Ponder] [If I Were Rich] [When I Was Young] [Sea Dreams] [Spring Storm] [The Kiwi] [Bobbie] [August] [September]

Copyright Yeti Services.  Pictures are owned by the photographer or myself.