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Pictures of Family

This page is pretty well explained in the title.  I will put pictures here of our family.  I have many family pictures that I have no clue as to the people in the pictures.  If anyone can identify people in the pictures, please let me know the picture name and the name of the person.

  • Gran and three grandchildren, Susan Hanning, Jessie Noon Tyler, Heather Nanning and in front row, Laura Hanning, in Owanka, New Zealand, Christmas 1961
  • Me, about 6th grade, around 1968.
  • Family photo, 1961, Otahuhu, New Zealand.  Harold Lucas, Kathryn Lucas Hedges, Mother, Janet Lucas Maloy, and me down front.
  • Gran (Jessie Tyler), Molly Russell, Janet Lucas Maloy, Eddy Russell, and me in front, 1960, Henderson, New Zealand.
  • This picture was taken in Canada, many years ago.  Joe Noon (Grans eldest brother), Flora Noon, Mary (Liz) Noon, Arthur Balmain, Kathleen Balmain, and Arthur Noon (Grans brother).
  • Kathryn Lucas Hedges, and me.  I look happy, but she doesn’t.  Otahuhu, New Zealand 1962
  • Christmas 1999, Neal Franz, Mother, Janet Lucas Maloy, Devlyn Franz, Sabastian Maloy, Jennifer Maloy Franz
  • Christmas 1999, Virginia Edwards, Neal Franz, Mother, Janet Lucas Maloy, Devlyn Franz, Sabastian Maloy
  • Christmas 1999, Virginia Edwards, Neal Franz, Mother, Janet Lucas Maloy, Devlyn Franz, Sabastian Maloy, Jennifer Maloy Franz
  • Me, September 1998
  • Mother with greatgrandkids, Devlyn Franz and Sabastian Maloy, 1999
  • Early picture of Tyler family in New Zealand  Jessie Elizabeth Noon Tyler holding Mother, her sister Gwen standing and father Sidney Tyler. from 1926
  • Tyler family picture from early 1940’s.  Sidney Tyler, Beryl Nancy Tyler Lucas, Gwen Tyler Hanning, and Jessie Elizabeth Noon Tyler
  • Picture of Mothers great grandchildren Sabastian Maloy and Devlyn Franz from Aug 2000.
  • Harold George Lucas - My father. from about 1984.
  • Clinton Curtis and me.  He is was my great uncle on my fathers side.
  • John and Peg Swanson - Peg is my cousin - Christmas 2000
  • Peg, Ryan, Jeyme and John - Peg claims they are standing on a slope.  She claims she is taller than Jeyme and that Ryan is taller than his father.
  • Mike and Winnie Swanson - Christmas 2000
  • Ryan and John Swanson - Christmas 2000
  • Gran (Jesse Noon Tyler), Miss Bridson and Thelma McWatt - 1974.
  • Thelma, Gran and Joan Graham - Dec 1974 from Waitakeries.
  • Kathryn Jesse Lucas Hedges - June 1965.
  • Me - What ever happened to that cute kid? Nov 2, 1965
  • Lorraine McWatt Barclay and Gran - June 1962.
  • Thelma, Bish and Lorraine McWatt and Kathryn, Janet and me. Parade Nov 1962.
  • Kelli, grandaughter
  • Sabastian Maloy, great grandson
  • Kathryn, Allan and four sons
  • Sabastian Maloy and Devlyn Franz, great grandsons


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Copyright Yeti Services.  Pictures are owned by the photographer or myself.